Clarification Text About This Customer Personal Data (“Lighting Text”), Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”) Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Complied with in Fulfilling the Liability of Illumination with Article 10 (“Notification”) King Pazarlama ve Dış Ticaret Anonim Şirketi as the data controller within the scope of (KING/COMPANYPrepared by


You can always use this Clarification Text within the framework of the changes that can be made in the current legislation; We reserve the right to update the processing and transfer purposes of personal data, collection methods and other headings in the text. You can easily follow the updates and other detailed information about your personal data from the "Protection of Personal Data" heading on our website.


Your personal data processed within the scope of this Clarification Text are as follows:

Identity: Name – surname, date of birth, T.C. ID number, tax identification number;

Communication: Telephone number, workplace address, home address, e-mail address;

finance: Bank information, credit card data (if any), e-invoice information;

Other Data: Customer transaction data, legal transaction data, log records of transactions made on the website, information received within the scope of calls in the call center, information received during online sales, data processed by membership activities.


 (1) Legal Reason for Processing Your Personal Data

We request your personal data collected by the methods specified in this Clarification Text, which will enable us to carry out the necessary studies in order to fulfill our legal obligations arising from the relevant legislation, in line with the following purposes. Provided that it is not used outside of the purposes and scope determined by this Clarification Text, it is processed on the basis of legal reasons in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer No 6502 and other relevant legislation and Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law, by taking technical and administrative measures regarding data security. . In order to use it in various marketing and advertising activities, processing is carried out only with your explicit consent.   


 (2) Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your personal data collected by us as specified in this Clarification Text and processed for the stated purposes, within the scope of personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Article 8 of the Law, with company stakeholders, company officials, affiliates and subsidiaries, natural persons or private law legal entities, suppliers. may be shared due to the nature of the service. However, due to and limited to our legal obligations, personal data is shared with courts and other public institutions.


Necessary technical and legal measures are taken to prevent violations of rights during data transfer to third parties. However, KING is not responsible for the breaches that occur in the risk area of ​​the third party's responsibility, due to the data protection policies of the third party receiving the personal data.


(3) Collection of Your Personal Data

Your personal data is collected by us automatically and/or non-automatically, in writing or electronically. Information collected from you at different times or through different methods, such as information collected by us online and offline, can be matched and used pursuant to the Law and this Clarification Text. In this context, your personal data will be collected in order to be processed within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law and in line with the legal reasons and purposes set forth in this Clarification Text.


(4) Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

Purposes of processing your personal data; To ensure the performance of the contracts concluded between you and the company during your purchase of any goods or services from our company or your participation in its campaigns and/or for other reasons, to comply with the information retention, reporting and information obligations stipulated by the administrative units; To offer our products/services requested by you, to get to know our customers within the scope of the information you have consented to be processed, to increase the quality of communication/service, to ensure the availability of the right product, to maintain commercial relations, to provide statistical information or to provide up-to-date product information in order to increase the quality of service we offer to our customers. to use it for marketing and communication purposes, such as to do business, and to send you commercial electronic messages if you have given your consent.

In any case, all your data that you may provide to our Company in accordance with the distance sales contract and the situations specified in the legislation are processed only in accordance with the relevant legislation and/or the scope of your consent for the collection of your data.


(5) Your Rights

As a customer, within the scope of Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, you may request to receive your rights and your requests regarding the implementation of the Law, by handing the wet-signed copy by hand or through a notary public. By mailing to the address “Door Number 99, Eyüp 34050 Istanbul / Turkey” or;

By signing with the "secure electronic signature" defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070 belonging to the Applicant;  You can send it to the relevant e-mail address at or via our e-mail address: If you forward your requests to our company, your request will be concluded free of charge within 30 days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. In case of a written response to your request, no fee will be charged for the first 10 (ten) pages in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller, and a processing fee of 1 TL will be charged for each page above 10 (ten) pages. If the answer to your application is given in a recording medium such as CD or flash memory, the cost of the recording medium will be charged to you.


In addition, in accordance with Article 4 of the KVKK, KING has an obligation to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. In this context, in order for KING to fulfill its obligations arising from the current legislation, our customers are required to share accurate and up-to-date data with KING. If your processed data is changed in any way, write "Updating My Personal Data" in the subject section. Please update it by sending an e-mail to the address.


(6) Storage and disposal:

Your personal data processed within the scope of this Clarification Text will be kept for the period required for the purpose of processing, provided that the legal storage period is not exceeded, and will be destroyed when this period expires.

Your information.



                     DISTANCE SALES AGREEMENT

  1. SIDES

This Agreement has been signed between the following parties within the framework of the terms and conditions set forth below.

A. 'BUYER' ; (hereinafter referred to as "BUYER" in the contract)

B. 'SELLER' ; (hereinafter referred to as "SELLER" in the contract)



By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that if the subject of the contract approves the order, he will be under the obligation to pay the price of the order and the additional fees, if any, such as shipping fee and tax, and that he has been informed about it.



In the application and interpretation of this contract, the terms written below shall express the written explanations against them.

MINISTER: Minister of Customs and Trade,

MINISTRY: Ministry of Customs and Trade,

LAW: Consumer Protection Law No. 6502,

REGULATION: Distance Contracts Regulation (OG:27.11.2014/29188)

SERVICE: The subject of any consumer transaction other than the supply of goods made or promised to be made in return for a fee or benefit,

SELLER: A company that offers goods to the consumer within the scope of its commercial or professional activities or acts on behalf of or on behalf of the supplier,

BUYER: A natural or legal person who acquires, uses or benefits from a good or service for commercial or non-professional purposes,

SITE: The website of the SELLER,

ORDERING PERSON: The natural or legal person who requests a good or service through the website of the SELLER,


AGREEMENT: This contract concluded between the SELLER and the BUYER,

GOODS: It refers to the movable goods that are the subject of shopping and the software, sound, image and similar intangible goods prepared for use in the electronic environment.



This Agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of the Consumer and the Regulation on Distance Contracts regarding the sale and delivery of the product, the qualities and sales price of which are specified below, which the BUYER has placed an order electronically on the website of the SELLER.

The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Advertised prices and promises are valid until updated and changed. Prices announced for a period of time are valid until the end of the specified period.



The address







Person to be delivered

Delivery address






6.1. The basic features (type, quantity, brand/model, color, number) of the Good/Product/Products/Service are published on the website of the SELLER. If the campaign is organized by the seller, you can examine the basic features of the relevant product during the campaign. Valid until the campaign date.

6.2. The prices listed and announced on the site are sales prices. Advertised prices and promises are valid until updated and changed. Prices announced for a period of time are valid until the end of the specified period.

6.3. The sales price of the goods or services subject to the contract, including all taxes, is shown below.

Product DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceSub Total

(VAT included)

Shipping Amount

Total :

Payment Method and Plan

Delivery address

Person to be delivered

Billing address

Order date

delivery date

Delivery method

6.4. The shipping fee, which is the product shipping cost, will be paid by the BUYER.








Invoice delivery: The invoice will be delivered to the invoice address along with the order during order delivery.



Confidentiality rules-policy and conditions, the current principles of which are stated below, apply for the protection, confidentiality, processing-use of information, communications and other issues on the INTERNET SITE.

8.1. The necessary measures for the security of the information and transactions entered by the BUYER on the WEBSITE have been taken in the system infrastructure of the SELLER, within the scope of today's technical possibilities, according to the nature of the information and transaction. However, since the said information is entered from the BUYER's device, it is the BUYER's responsibility to take the necessary precautions, including those related to viruses and similar harmful applications, so that they are protected by the BUYER and cannot be accessed by unrelated persons.

8.2. In addition to the consent-approvals regarding the personal data and commercial electronic communications given by the BUYER in any other way, and confirming; The BUYER's membership to the WEBSITE and the information obtained during his shopping, the SELLER, C for the provision of various products / services and all kinds of information, advertising-promotion, communication, promotion, sales, marketing, store card, credit card and membership applications. for other commercial-social communications, it can be recorded with the specified ones and their successors indefinitely or for the period they will foresee, stored in printed/magnetic archives, updated when deemed necessary, shared, transferred, transferred, used and processed in other ways. These data can also be forwarded to the relevant authorities and courts when required by law. The BUYER consents and gives permission for the use, sharing, processing of existing and new information, personal and non-personal, in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data and electronic commerce legislation, and to make electronic communications and other communications, whether commercial or non-commercial.

8.3. The BUYER can always stop the communication by reaching the SELLER through the specified communication channels and/or by legally reaching through the same channels or by using the right of refusal in the electronic communications sent to him. According to the clear notification of the BUYER on this matter, personal data transactions and/or communications to the party are stopped within the legal maximum period; In addition, if he wishes, his information, except those that are legally required and/or possible, are deleted from the data recording system or anonymized in an anonymous way. If the BUYER wishes, he/she may object to the emergence of a result against him/her by means of transactions related to the processing of his/her personal data, the persons to whom it is transferred, correction in case of incomplete or incorrect information, notification of the corrected information to the relevant third parties, deletion or destruction of the data, analysis with automatic systems, You can always apply to the SELLER through the above communication channels and get information on issues such as the elimination of damage in case of damage due to the processing of the SELLER. Applications and requests in these matters will be fulfilled within the legal maximum period or may not be accepted by explaining the legal reason to the party.

8.4. Regarding all kinds of information and content belonging to the WEBSITE and their arrangement, revision and partial/full use; Except for those belonging to other third parties according to the SELLER's agreement; All intellectual and industrial rights and property rights belong to the SELLER.

8.5. The SELLER reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary on the above issues; These changes will become effective as soon as they are announced by the SELLER on the WEBSITE or by other appropriate methods.

8.6. On other sites accessed from the INTERNET SITE, their own privacy-security policies and terms of use are valid, the SELLER is not responsible for any conflicts that may arise and their negative consequences.



9.1. The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he has read the preliminary information about the basic characteristics, sales price, payment method and delivery of the product subject to the contract on the website of the SELLER and that he is informed and gives the necessary confirmation in the electronic environment. BUYER's; Confirming the Preliminary Information in electronic environment, accepts, declares and undertakes that he has obtained the address to be given by the SELLER to the BUYER before the establishment of the distance sales contract, the basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, payment and delivery information accurately and completely. .

9.2. Each product subject to the contract is delivered to the person and/or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER or the BUYER within the period specified in the preliminary information section of the website, depending on the distance from the BUYER's place of residence, provided that it does not exceed the legal period of 30 days. If the product cannot be delivered to the BUYER within this period, the BUYER reserves the right to terminate the contract.

9.3. The SELLER undertakes to deliver the product subject to the contract completely, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents, user manuals, if any, with the information and documents required for the job, and to perform the work in accordance with the standards, in accordance with the standards, in a sound manner, free from all kinds of defects. It accepts, declares and undertakes to act with caution and foresight, to maintain and increase the quality of service, to show the necessary care and attention during the performance of the work.

9.4. The SELLER may supply a different product with equal quality and price, by informing the BUYER and by obtaining his explicit approval, before the contractual performance obligation expires.

9.5. The SELLER accepts, declares and undertakes that if the fulfillment of the product or service subject to the order becomes impossible, it will notify the consumer in writing within 3 days from the date of learning of this situation and return the total price to the BUYER within 14 days.

9.6. The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will confirm this Agreement electronically for the delivery of the product subject to the contract, and in case the contract product price is not paid and/or canceled in the bank records for any reason, the SELLER's obligation to deliver the contract product will end.

9.7. After the delivery of the product subject to the contract to the person and/or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER or the BUYER, as a result of the unfair use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons, if the price of the product subject to the contract is not paid to the SELLER by the relevant bank or financial institution. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will return it to the SELLER within 3 days at the SELLER's expense.

9.8. The SELLER accepts, declares and undertakes to notify the BUYER of the situation if the product subject to the contract cannot be delivered in due time due to force majeure situations that develop beyond the will of the parties, are unpredictable and prevent and / or delay the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties. The BUYER also has the right to demand from the SELLER the cancellation of the order, the replacement of the product subject to the contract with its precedent, if any, and/or the postponement of the delivery period until the obstacle is removed. In case the order is canceled by the BUYER, the product amount is paid to him in cash and in full within 14 days in the payments made by the BUYER in cash. In the payments made by the BUYER by credit card, the product amount is returned to the relevant bank within 14 days after the order is canceled by the BUYER. The BUYER may take 2 to 3 weeks on average for the amount returned to the credit card by the SELLER to be reflected to the BUYER's account by the bank. accepts, declares and undertakes that it cannot be held responsible.

9.9. The SELLER's address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines and other contact information specified by the BUYER in the registration form on the site or updated later by him, via letter, e-mail, SMS, phone call and other means, communication, marketing, notification and has the right to reach the BUYER for other purposes. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts and declares that the SELLER may engage in the above-mentioned communication activities.

9.10. The BUYER shall inspect the contracted goods/services before receiving them; dented, broken, torn packaging, etc. damaged and defective goods / services will not be received from the cargo company. The received goods/services shall be deemed to be undamaged and intact. The responsibility of carefully protecting the goods/services after delivery belongs to the BUYER. If the right of withdrawal is to be used, the goods/services should not be used. The invoice must be returned.

9.11. If the BUYER and the credit card holder used during the order are not the same person, or if a security vulnerability is detected regarding the credit card used in the order before the product is delivered to the BUYER, the SELLER shall provide the identity and contact information of the credit card holder, the statement of the previous month of the credit card used in the order. or request the BUYER from the bank of the card holder to submit a letter stating that the credit card belongs to him. The order will be frozen until the BUYER provides the information/documents subject to the request, and if the aforementioned demands are not met within 24 hours, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order.

9.12. The BUYER declares and undertakes that the personal and other information provided while subscribing to the website belonging to the SELLER are true, and that the SELLER will immediately indemnify all damages due to the falseness of this information, upon the first notification of the SELLER, in cash and in full.

9.13. The BUYER accepts and undertakes from the beginning to comply with the provisions of the legal legislation and not to violate them when using the website of the SELLER. Otherwise, all legal and penal liabilities to arise will bind the BUYER completely and exclusively.

9.14. The BUYER may not use the SELLER's website in any way that disrupts public order, violates public morality, disturbs and harass others, for an unlawful purpose, and infringes on the material and moral rights of others. In addition, the member cannot engage in activities (spam, virus, trojan horse, etc.) that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services.

9.15. Links to other websites and/or other content that are not under the control of the SELLER and/or owned and/or operated by other third parties may be given over the website of the SELLER. These links are provided for the purpose of providing ease of orientation to the BUYER and do not support any website or the person operating that site and do not constitute any guarantee for the information contained in the linked website.

9.16. The member who violates one or more of the articles listed in this contract will be personally and criminally liable for this violation and will keep the SELLER free from the legal and penal consequences of these violations. Moreover; In the event that the incident is referred to the legal field due to this violation, the SELLER reserves the right to claim compensation against the member due to non-compliance with the membership agreement.



10.1. BUYER; In the event that the distance contract is related to the sale of goods, the product itself or the person / organization at the address indicated, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery, on the condition of notifying the SELLER, he can use his right to withdraw from the contract by rejecting the goods without taking any legal or criminal responsibility and without giving any reason. In distance contracts related to service provision, this period starts from the date of signing the contract. Before the expiry of the right of withdrawal, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in service contracts where the performance of the service has started with the approval of the consumer. The costs arising from the use of the right of withdrawal belong to the SELLER. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that he has been informed about the right of withdrawal.

10.2. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the SELLER must be notified in writing by registered mail, fax or e-mail within 14 (fourteen) days and the product must not be used within the framework of the provisions of the "Products for which the Right of Withdrawal cannot be exercised" regulated in this contract. If this right is exercised,

  1. a) The invoice of the product delivered to the 3rd person or the BUYER, (If the invoice of the product to be returned is corporate, it must be sent with the return invoice issued by the institution when returning. Order returns whose invoices are issued on behalf of the institutions cannot be completed unless a RETURN INVOICE is issued.)
  2. b) Return form,
  3. c) The products to be returned must be delivered complete and undamaged, together with the box, packaging and standard accessories, if any.
  4. d) The SELLER is obliged to return the total price and the documents that put the BUYER under debt to the BUYER within 10 days at the latest from the receipt of the withdrawal notification, and to return the goods within 20 days.
  5. e) If there is a decrease in the value of the goods due to the fault of the BUYER or if the return becomes impossible, the BUYER is obliged to compensate the damages of the SELLER at the rate of his fault. However, the BUYER is not responsible for the changes and deteriorations that occur due to the proper use of the goods or products within the right of withdrawal period.
  6. f) In case the campaign limit amount set by the SELLER is lowered due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign is cancelled.



Underwear, swimwear and bikini bottoms, make-up materials, disposable products, goods that are in danger of spoiling quickly or that are likely to expire, which are prepared in line with the BUYER's request or clearly personal needs and are not suitable for return, are delivered to the BUYER. Products that are not suitable for return in terms of health and hygiene if their packaging is opened by the BUYER after delivery, products that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature, Goods related to periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, except those provided under the subscription agreement, Instant performance in electronic environment As per the Regulation, it is not possible to return the services provided or the intangible goods delivered to the consumer immediately, as well as audio or video recordings, books, digital content, software programs, data recording and data storage devices, computer consumables, if the package has been opened by the BUYER. In addition, before the expiry of the right of withdrawal, it is not possible to exercise the right of withdrawal regarding the services that have been started with the approval of the consumer, in accordance with the Regulation.

In order to return cosmetics and personal care products, underwear products, swimwear, bikinis, books, reproducible software and programs, DVD, VCD, CD and cassettes and stationery consumables (toner, cartridge, ribbon, etc.), their packages are unopened, untested, intact. and they must be unused.



The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he will pay interest and be liable to the bank within the framework of the credit card agreement between the cardholder bank and the bank in case of default in the case of making the payment transactions with a credit card. In this case, the relevant bank may take legal action; may claim the costs and attorney's fees to arise from the BUYER, and in any case, if the BUYER defaults due to its debt, the BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he will pay the damage and loss suffered by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the debt.



Complaints and objections in disputes arising from this contract, consumer problems in the place of residence of the consumer or where the consumer transaction is made, within the monetary limits specified in the Law, shall be made to the arbitral tribunal or the consumer court.


  1. FORCE

When the BUYER makes the payment for the order placed on the Site, it is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract. The SELLER is obliged to make the necessary software arrangements to obtain confirmation that this contract has been read and accepted by the BUYER on the site before the order is fulfilled.